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How to Choose and Safely Install Wood Flooring

How to Choose and Safely Install Wood Flooring

One of our readers recently asked us about how to choose safe wood flooring and how to install it safely. “We are considering changing the flooring to hardwood instead of carpet. From the little research I did, the cork floor might … Continue reading


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The Ultimate Guide to Safe Paints

The Ultimate Guide to Safe Paints

Did you know that even after paint dries, it can continue to emit VOCs? That’s right. According to the CPSC, formaldehyde can be detected 1-3 months after painting. So, it makes sense to use safe paints and stains that don’t … 


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Eight Healthy Remodeling Secrets Every Homeowner Should Know

Eight Healthy Remodeling Secrets Every Homeowner Should Know

Who doesn’t love to remodel a room or even a whole house? A fresh coat of paint, new kitchen cabinets, replacing carpet, or new furniture are all part of the redecorating excitement. When you’ve completed the remodel, you can’t get enough …


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