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The Truth About What’s In Your Cleaning Products

The Truth About What’s In Your Cleaning Products

You use cleaning products labeled as “green” or “all natural” because you feel confident that these products are safer for you and the environment. You also closely read the ingredients trying to avoid the nastier stuff.

Unfortunately, neither approach works.


Because claims of “green” or “all natural” are simply unregulated marketing terms. And, because full disclosure of the ingredients is not required.

It doesn’t seem right, does it? 

Get the Facts About Cleaning Products

Here are the facts that will help explain the truth behind what’s in your cleaning products:

  • The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) regulates laundry and cleaning products, air fresheners, and soap.
    • The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulates personal care products excluding soap.
      • The CPSC and FDA regulations are different. In this article, the focus is on laundry and cleaning products, so the CPSC regulations are relevant.
        • Regulations allow manufacturers great leeway on the ingredient list; they can list all, none or some of the ingredients.
          • It’s a troubling thought that the ingredients listed are incomplete, isn’t it?
        • For fragrance formulations, if the manufacturer chooses to show fragrance as an ingredient, the regulations allow the general term “fragrance”. What does that mean? The manufacturer does not have to disclose the specific chemicals included in the fragrance.
          • You may think that purchasing unscented products means a safer product. Unfortunately, many unscented products have fragrances to make the product smell unscented.
            • Fragrances can include any one of 3000+ ingredients – many synthetic, petroleum-based and toxic.
            • Kinda frustrating, right?
            • You go to the trouble of finding an unscented product, but it might still include a fragrance?
          • Even the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) do NOT need to list all product ingredients or list fragrance chemicals.
            • If the manufacturer determines that the ingredient is non-hazardous, then they do not need to include it on an MSDS.
            • Some of the ingredients are listed in general terms like “cleaning agents” or “softeners”, so you have no way of knowing what’s in it.

              Admit it. You’d like better disclosure, so you know what you’re using, right?

              So the truth is, for the most part, you simply don’t know what’s in your cleaning products. So what should you do? 

              How to Find Non-Toxic Cleaning Products

              If you truly want the safest, non-toxic cleaning products, you should make them yourself. Vinegar, salt, baking soda, lemon, and tea tree oil in the right formulas can work amazingly well.

              If you are recoiling at the thought of creating your own, you have other options.

              Sign up for our newsletter and the Zen of Pure Living 12-week e-course and get the Safest Cleaning Product Shopping List as a free bonus. You’ll love it.

              Pure Living Space compiled the safest cleaning products including all-purpose, dishwashing, laundry, bathroom and kitchen cleaners. Simply print and take it with you shopping for the easiest way to find the right products.

              The List has 23 of the safest and healthiest cleaning products. Probably a lot healthier than your current products.

              The Safest Cleaning & Laundry Product Brands

              To find the safest cleaning and laundry products at your local natural grocery store, look for products from Green Mission™ and GreenShield Organics which have Green ratings.

              Or try our new line of “truly” all natural and safe cleaning and laundry products. You’ll love the safe ingredient list and that these products all work great. 

              DIY Cleaning Solutions

              Perhaps starting with one home-created cleaning product would be a good way to ease into it. You could start by using vinegar and water (equal parts) to clean shower mildew or countertops (except marble).

              Then, move on to a great tile and grout cleaner.

              The ingredients are below. Tape the ingredients to the bottle so when it’s time to replenish, you don’t have to look up the recipe again.

              • 7 cups water
              • 1/2 cup baking soda
              • 1/3 cup lemon juice
              • 1/4 cup vinegar
              • Apply and let sit for 5-10 minutes before scrubbing a bit

              Want more DIY cleaners? Get the best ingredients for DIY kitchen cleaners.

              Time to Take Action

              Now that you have the facts about what’s in your cleaning products, it’s time to take action. Sign up for our newsletter and the Zen of Pure Living 12-week e-course and get the Safest Cleaning Product Shopping List as a free bonus.

              You’ll be happy you did.

              Share this with your friends, so they can shop safely too!