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Find the best air purifier to remove the smoke smell

How to Remove Wildfire Smoke & Smoke Smell From Your Home

Let’s face it. The pollutants and smell from wildfire smoke, cigarettes, cigars or even your fireplace can pose health risks and the smell can linger for a long time. 

Sure, you love your fireplace, but did you know it is a source of ash dust, carcinogenic tars, and carbon monoxide? Probably not substances you want to breathe.

Fortunately, there is a solution. The right air purifier or air cleaner is effective at removing the wildfire smoke pollutants, cigarette smoke and smell as well as fireplace smoke and pollutants.

It is possible for you to be safer from wildfire smoke and enjoy your fireplace and live healthier with a smoker.

Air Purifiers That Remove Dangerous Smoke Pollutants

To effectively remove wildfire, cigarette and fireplace smoke, you’ll need an air purifier with a HEPA filter as well as an activated carbon filter.


The HEPA and carbon filters eliminate the larger particles AND the gaseous pollutants called VOCs or Volatile Organic Compounds. Really, the only way to remove the smoke smell and dangerous contaminants is an air purifier that handles both contaminant types.

So that means that simply purchasing an air purifier with a HEPA filter will not solve your problem with the smoke smell.

Austin Air makes the top rated air purifier. Check out the reviews, independent tests, ratings and benefits.

For smoke, the recommended cleaner is the Austin Air HealthMate Plus™.

You’ll love the following about your Austin Air:

  • Your home will smell fresh and clean; your air will be cleaner and healthier to breathe
  • Best combination of HEPA and Carbon Filters compared to other top brands
  • Five-year mechanical warranty
  • Five-year pro-rated filter warranty which means you won’t need to buy a filter for up to five years, and if you do need to replace it before five years, the cost is pro-rated. No one else in the industry offers a pro-rated filter warranty like that.
  • Made in the USA
  • Will not off-gas like some other brands
  • 30-day money back guarantee
  • BEST five-year total cost of ownership; 50% lower than other top rated brands
  • Low setting is the sound of a whisper
  • Free shipping

Click here to learn how to buy an Austin Air Cleaner to remove smoke smell from your home.

Would you like to learn more?

Read these articles or contact us. We’re happy to help with any questions.

The Facts About Your Indoor Air Quality May Surprise You
Air Purifier Ratings and Reviews
Eight Reasons You’ll Love Your Air Cleaner