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Want the Healthiest Water? Avoid These Mistakes

Want the Healthiest Water? Avoid These Mistakes

You know that drinking clean water (and lots of it) is key to good health, but you’ve probably been making three common mistakes.

It’s easy to do.

Why? Because the information isn’t readily available. If you want to drink the healthiest water, avoid these three mistakes.

How to Drink the Healthiest Water

Mistake #1 – Drinking Unfiltered Tap Water

You may think that your tap water is healthy, and your local water department has you covered.

But, do they?

A couple hundred common contaminants aren’t regulated yet. And, your water department isn’t perfect, so even regulated contaminants exceed safe levels from time to time.

So, do your body a favor by drinking filtered water.

Don’t know which filter or brand? Check out The Complete Beginner's Guide to Water Filters to find the perfect solution without the hassle. 

Mistake #2 – Drinking Bottled Water

You might be scratching your head on this one, but the bottled water industry is completely unregulated, so no one is watching out for you.

Who knew?

The water quality might be better or worse than your tap water. No one really knows.

In a Natural Resources Defense Council study, 22% of bottled water brands contained chemical contaminants at levels above health limits. That’s almost a quarter over the limits for what’s deemed healthy. According to the NRDC, if consumed over a long period, some contaminants can cause cancer or other health problems.


Also, phthalates can leach from the plastic bottles or lids on glass bottles after being stored for just ten weeks. Unlike tap water, no one regulates phthalates in bottled water. (source: NRDC: bottled water) 

Mistake #3 – Thinking Your Water Pitcher Is Effective

If you’re using one of the widely available water pitchers, you’re not getting much filtration. Most water filter pitchers remove less than 10 contaminants and many focus solely on chlorine.

So, if your water company uses chloramine, your water pitcher is not doing you much good.

About 20% of water departments, especially in the South, use chloramine instead of chlorine to disinfect water.

Effective water pitcher filters do exist but don’t bother buying the ones in a big box store. Check out really effective water pitcher filters that remove over 200 contaminants. 

Just curious.

Were you making any of these mistakes?


Then, check out a killer resource that will help you get up-to-speed on what’s healthy for your home. It’s a 12-week email series called The Zen of Pure Living.

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