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Is Your Water Pitcher Filter Good Enough?

Is Your Water Pitcher Filter Good Enough?

Many people think that all water pitcher filters are alike, so they grab a brand name pitcher like Brita without giving it much thought. They think that their water pitcher filter is doing a good job of filtering their drinking water and protecting them from water contaminants. Unfortunately, some people are not aware that their drinking water is not as clean as they imagined.

So, how do you know if your water pitcher is any good?

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ProOne Water Filter Systems Frequently Asked Questions

ProOne Water Filter Systems Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question about a ProOne (formerly Propur) water filter system? Check out our FAQs that highlight the ProOne company background, ProOne product lab test reports, important information about contaminant reduction, and filter life estimates. 

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Don't Buy the Turapur Water Filter, Here's Why

Don't Buy the Turapur Water Filter, Here's Why

A reader asked about water filters that increase the pH in your water. 

“I am looking at purchasing a water pitcher and wanted to know your opinion of the Turapur water pitcher and if you have evaluated that product.”

Here’s our response:

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How To Know If Your Water Filter Is Any Good

How To Know If Your Water Filter Is Any Good

Many people think that water filters perform equally, so they grab a water pitcher filter at their big box store without thinking. Or, they install a Reverse Osmosis (RO) water filter system and assume they’re getting the purest water available. … Continue reading


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The Complete Beginners Guide to Water Filters

The Complete Beginners Guide to Water Filters

If you’re like most people, you want to drink clean water but aren’t sure where to start. Or, perhaps you’ve looked into all the different types of water filters and found yourself totally confused. There’s a good reason for this! …


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The best way to remove fluoride and pesticides from tap water

The Best Way to Remove Fluoride and Pesticides from Tap Water

One of our readers asked about a Fluoride Water Filter. She also wanted this filter to remove pesticides. “I’m trying to upgrade from our Pur faucet mount and want to remove fluoride from our water with a new filter. But … Continue reading


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How to choose the best shower filter for good health

How to Choose the Best Shower Filter for Good Health

Most shower filters are not worth it. It’s a bold statement. But, it’s true. The reason is pretty simple. Most shower filter manufacturers use outdated filter technology. These outdated shower filters primarily remove Chlorine and a handful of other contaminants. …

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How to Choose Whole House Water Filters

How to Choose Whole House Water Filters

One of our Dallas readers sent us this question about how to choose Whole House Water Filters. “I want to install a whole house water filtration system but not crazy expensive. Are there one or two companies you could recommend? 


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Is Your Refrigerator Water Filter Really Good Enough?

Is Your Refrigerator Water Filter Really Good Enough?

One of our readers wanted to know if refrigerator water filters were adequate or if they would be better off with an under counter water filter. It’s a question that many people struggle with. Is your refrigerator water filter good …


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Five Things You Don’t Want to Hear About Tap Water

Five Things You Don’t Want to Hear About Tap Water

You probably don’t want to hear about any issues with your tap water. After all, aren’t regulations in place to ensure you have the cleanest drinking water? You would know if there were issues, right? The annual water quality report … 


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Confused About Whole House Water Filters? Three Little-Known Things You Need to Know

Confused About Whole House Water Filters? Three Little-Known Things You Need to Know

Buying whole house water filters can seem daunting. You’re making an investment in your health and you want to make sure it’s a smart one. So how many times have you thought about getting a whole house filter only to … 


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Lessons From the Flint Crisis: Why It’s Important to Drink Filtered Water

Lessons From the Flint Crisis: Why It’s Important to Drink Filtered Water

While it would be nice to believe that the Flint Michigan lead problem was an isolated case, it isn’t. In recent years, unsafe water lead levels have turned up in tap water in many cities. Lead is one reason to drink … 


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