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Why It's Important to Avoid Harmful Plastic Coffee Lids

Why It's Important to Avoid Harmful Plastic Coffee Lids

If you're like most people, when you order your morning latte, you don't think about the plastic lid; however, research shows that you probably should. Plastic coffee lids made with #6 or #7 plastic are very likely to contain and release a harmful chemical called BPA. 

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The Rice Debate: What is the Best Choice for Your Health?

The Rice Debate: What is the Best Choice for Your Health?

By Niti Shah

Thousands of rice varieties are enjoyed as part of the staple diet by millions of people across the world. But which is the healthiest? And, how do you avoid arsenic in rice? What is the Best Rice … 


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13 Proven Ways to End Stress & Be Happy

13 Proven Ways to End Stress & Be Happy

  Do you ever feel like no matter what you can’t reduce your stress? Can you remember a time when you didn’t feel stressed and a bit unhappy? Then, this article is for you. You’ll get a new perspective on …


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Six Things Cooking Geeks Know About Cooking Oils That You Don’t

Six Things Cooking Geeks Know About Cooking Oils That You Don’t

Why is it so confusing to pick the right oil for sauteing, baking or frying? Why is there so little consistency from one source to the next? There’s so much conflicting advice. Some say to use palm oil while others …


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Gluten Allergy? Avoid These Four Mistakes

Gluten Allergy? Avoid These Four Mistakes

You used to eat anything and not worry about it. Pizza, hoagies, pasta, hamburgers were all part of your daily life. Oh and don’t forget garlic bread and bagels. When you found out that you couldn’t eat gluten anymore, …


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How to Use 21st Century Medicine to Heal From Chronic Illness

How to Use 21st Century Medicine to Heal From Chronic Illness

Maybe it’s happened to you too. You’ve left another doctor’s office without resolution to your problem. The prescription in your pocket is destined for the trash. You feel abandoned. You try not to picture your future. How many more times …


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