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Non-Toxic Home / Air Purification

8 Powerful But Simple Changes to Make You Healthier

8 Powerful But Simple Changes to Make You Healthier

Sometimes it seems that making healthy choices is a burden. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with that healthy choice list that you “should” do, but can’t fit into your life. Trying to fit more “healthy” into your life can feel … Continue reading


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8 reasons to love your home air purifier

8 Reasons to Love Your Home Air Cleaner

Several years ago, I bought a home air cleaner. I put it in my bedroom and loved it. Then, I bought more. In fact, now I have six home air cleaners scattered throughout the house. I placed air purifiers in … Continue reading


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23 of the Best Ways to a Healthier, Less Toxic Home

23 of the Best Ways to a Healthier, Less Toxic Home

Creating a healthier, less toxic home doesn’t have to be difficult. Get a good start by selecting a couple of the best ways to a healthier, less toxic home because it’s easy and you’ll feel better. Create a Healthier, Less …


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Why It’s Not Healthy to Ignore Indoor Air Quality

Why It’s Not Healthy to Ignore Indoor Air Quality

If you’re like most people, you don’t give much thought to indoor air quality. You’re more worried about outdoor air problems like ozone alert days. But, what if you learned that your indoor air quality really matters to your health? …


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Cut Household Formaldehyde with Nine Proven Ways

Cut Household Formaldehyde with Nine Proven Ways

Are you surprised that you have formaldehyde in your home? If you’re like most people, the last time you thought about formaldehyde was in high school biology when you had to dissect a frog preserved in the stuff. So, what’s …


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For a Healthy Home, Stop Believing These Three Myths

For a Healthy Home, Stop Believing These Three Myths

It’s probably happened to you. You’ve held a belief that was false. Well, prepare yourself because it’s going to happen again.  If you’re like most, you’ll be struck by at least one if not all three healthy home myths.


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Why Dusting Makes a Difference to Your Health – It’s Not What You’d Expect

Why Dusting Makes a Difference to Your Health – It’s Not What You’d Expect

When you saw this title, you probably immediately thought about allergies caused by dust mites because dust mites aren’t good for you. But, dusting matters for other reasons. After reading this, you may want to move dusting closer to the …


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How a Boston Fern Can Improve Your Health

How a Boston Fern Can Improve Your Health

You’re probably surprised to learn that your indoor air is dirtier than outdoor air, and you’re wondering how this could happen. It’s pretty simple. It’s because just about everything you bring into your house off-gasses creating Volatile Organic Compounds or VOCs for …


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The Best Air Purifier for Mold Removal

The Best Air Purifier for Mold Removal

Let’s face it. Finding mold is scary. You’re thrust into unfamiliar territory. Clearly, you’ll need to address the source of the mold problem, but what can you do right now? A good solution is to buy an air purifier and …


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Find the best air purifier to remove the smoke smell

How to Remove Wildfire Smoke & Smoke Smell From Your Home

Air purifiers really do work to remove wildfire smoke and smoke from cigarettes and fireplaces if you buy the right air cleaner. Air purifier reviews and ratings all recommend this top rated air cleaner. 


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Air fresheners contain harmful chemicals

What’s In Your Air Freshener?

Research shows air fresheners contain harmful substances including carcinogens. Reading labels doesn't reveal chemical ingredients. All types of air fresheners are implicated including aerosols, solids, candles, plug-ins - even products that claim to be all-natural or unscented. 


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household mold exposure can lead to a variety of other health issues

You’ve Found Mold – Now What? Six Steps to Return to Normal

  You may think that household mold is simply an allergen that causes respiratory problems. Unfortunately, it’s not just about sneezing. In addition to sinus problems and wheezing, household mold exposure can lead to a variety of other health issues.


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